Comfrey is a healing herb that has been used since ancient times. While it may not be as familiar a face as plants like lavender, comfrey still has many uses and benefits today. Coming from the Latin for "knit together,"...
August is National Breastfeeding Month and organizations all across the United States are sharing information and resources about breast/chestfeeding. Breast/chestfeeding is often the next big challenge after birth and the USA does not have very good initiation rates or exclusive...
Hormone imbalance can really wreak havoc with your health. It's connected to many issues like acne, painful PMS symptoms, trouble getting pregnant, and even certain types of headaches. Chasteberry is an herb that's long been used for its hormone-balancing benefits....
Rosemary is an herb you might think about adding to your cooking recipes, but it also has quite a few hidden health benefits. This is a plant that has been revered for thousands of years to flavor and preserve food...
There are so many buzzwords floating around in the marketing world today: natural, eco-friendly, organic, cruelty-free, etc. It can be hard to figure out which words actually mean anything, whether it's skincare or groceries. Switching to natural skincare is truly...
Is your loved one or family member recovering from childbirth and working hard to get breast/chestfeeding established. Whether this is your first rodeo or you have been down this path before, there are many things that a partner or support...
Nothing perks up a person’s attention to their diet like being pregnant, planning for labor, and living through the ravenous period that often comes during postpartum and when you are nursing a young infant. During these times, it is important...
Calendula is a beautiful and happy flower with bright yellow or orange petals that also packs in some serious health benefits. This cheerful garden flower is one of the earliest to be cultivated and has been valued for thousands of...
Natural skin care is becoming more popular as people begin to realize that the ingredients in common skincare products may not be good for them. Unfortunately, the cosmetics industry (which includes personal care products) is highly unregulated. There are few...
Herbs are some of the most beneficial and healing ingredients you can use for your skin. Many high-end skincare products advertise the power of plant extracts and oils for beautiful skin. The good news is, you don't have to buy...
Menopause is a stage of life that typically starts after age 45 and before mid-50s for most women. During menopause, the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone, eventually leading to a cease of the menstrual cycle. A woman is considered...
The term "apothecary" has a very intriguing and mysterious ring to it. You might associate it with one of the magical shops in Harry Potter that sold unicorn horns and beetle eyes or think of it vaguely as a place...
Being pregnant (especially very pregnant!) during the summertime can be a challenge. Growing a small human takes work, and the heat of summer can often make a pregnant person feel more uncomfortable than usual. Here are five tips to help...
Aloe vera is likely a familiar skin care remedy to you, especially as a natural sunburn soother. However, the benefits of aloe for skin go far beyond just occasional after-sun use. The gel-like substance that comes from the leaves of...
Blue cohosh is a unique plant with a long history of use in Native American medicine. It was primarily considered a women's herb and uterine tonic, though it has other health benefits as well. Although they share a similar name,...
It's natural to want to feel your best and support your body after pregnancy. Herbal supplements and teas are becoming increasingly popular as a way to do this. But many women want to know how safe herbs are to use...
Coconut oil has taken the natural health and wellness world by storm because of its many claimed benefits for skin, hair, and overall health. Some call coconut oil a superfood, and many people are now using it for beauty and...
Moringa has been used for thousands of years to promote health. It's been referred to as the "miracle tree" and, more recently, as the "plant of the year." Moringa leaf has become a popular supplement, and the many benefits of...
When it comes to natural skin and body care, oils like coconut and olive are very popular. Though not quite as well-known, the benefits of castor oil for skin and hair are just as powerful. In fact, castor oil has...
Mullein belongs to a large list of plants that have a long history of medicinal use and yet are widely regarded as weeds. Like dandelions and plantain, the health benefits of mullein are easily accessible since it grows abundantly in...
Slippery elm has a very unique place in the history of North American herbalism. It was a key remedy that the Native Americans shared with the first settlers who came over from Europe. The health benefits of slippery elm include...