You've probably already experienced the benefits of vitamin E for your skin without even knowing it. Vitamin E is a nutrient found in many different plant-based foods. The oil is also widely used in skincare products and cosmetics. Sometimes called...
The health benefits of turmeric have been known for a long time by traditional practitioners in its native land. In the western part of the world, turmeric was viewed for a long time merely as the spice that gave curry...
If you love using herbs and natural remedies for health, it's only natural to want to share that with your children, too. But with all the information (and misinformation) out there, it can feel overwhelming to figure out what's safe...
Oaks are beautiful and stately trees that can stand for hundreds of years. You may think of them primarily as shade trees or as a source of hardwood for flooring, cabinets, etc., but some varieties have also been used medicinally....
Most new parents love the convenience and efficiency of using a breast pump. These machines help moms to express milk for their infant so that the baby can eat even if mom isn't immediately available. Several breast pump models made...
Getting a good night's rest is crucial to staying healthy. Unfortunately, at least 33% of Americans are not getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. (1) Not getting enough sleep is not just a recipe for being tired the...
While new parents hope and imagine that breastfeeding will be a completely easy, natural and rewarding experience, this is not always the case. One of the things that may make breastfeeding more of a challenge for some moms is having...
Goldenseal is a valuable medicinal herb native to North America. Used and valued by Native Americans, it was introduced to European settlers and is now one of the top five herbal supplements in the U.S. The benefits of goldenseal include...
Sometimes you can tell a lot about an herb just from its name. Cramp bark is one of those herbs with most of its benefits related to relieving cramps and spasms. Cramp bark was often used by European herbalists and...
Pomace olive oil (also called olive oil pomace) is a specific type of olive oil. It's less expensive than extra virgin and virgin olive oils while still retaining many of the same health benefits. Many people have likely never heard...
The negative health impact sugar can have (especially when over-consumed) has led to an abundance of alternative sweeteners. Stevia is one such sweetener that has shot to popularity, but the health benefits of stevia go far beyond just its sweet...
Hemp is an ancient crop, textile, and medicinal plant that's finally making a come-back. Interest in this cannabis plant is soaring and rightfully so. Practically the whole plant can be used in some way, and it's a highly renewable resource....
Chaparral leaf is a medicinal herb that many people are unfamiliar with. If you've ever lived in or visited the desert areas of the southwestern U.S., you might be familiar with it by another name: creosote bush. Creosote or chaparral...
Cocoa butter is a natural product with some pretty awesome and diverse uses. It's a key ingredient in all types of chocolate bars and desserts, yet also packs some serious health benefits for skin. In fact, cocoa butter is a...
If you spend more time than you'd like feeling tired and stressed, you aren't alone. Chronic stress is a challenge for many people and will eventually have a negative impact on your body and health. (1) While there are many...
If you've heard of arnica, it's most likely as an ingredient in a pain-relieving gel or cream. This potent herb has been used for hundreds of years for this purpose, but like most herbs, the benefits of arnica extend beyond...
Myrrh is a familiar yet mysterious spice that has a long history of medicinal use. You may be familiar with it from the Bible, since it was one of the three gifts the Magi brought to baby Jesus. But what...
Wild yams have been used as medicine for centuries. The Native Americans used them for ailments like colic and rheumatism. Not to be confused with the orange, potato-like vegetable we eat, wild yam is used as a supplement for its...
How to treat acne naturally? Acne is something that has affected most people at some point in their lives. For some, it comes and goes with puberty, but for others the breakouts and inflammation continue well into adulthood. Adult acne...
Labeled by many as an aggressive weed, burdock is a fascinating plant that contributed to the invention of Velcro. The cleansing and healing benefits of burdock root prove this plant to be much more than an unwanted weed. Herbalists value...
Herbal teas have experienced a huge surge in popularity as their health benefits become more widely known. You can find a tea for just about anything: sleep, stress, digestion, immune support, weight loss, pregnancy support, and so on. Of course,...