How does menstruation impact breastfeeding?
How does menstruation impact breastfeeding?Every woman knows that menstruation is important for pregnancy and fertility, but they may be surprised to learn that breastfeeding can affect their periods and vice-versa. When you miss a period, it could be a sign...
Benefits of Loose Leaf Tea vs. Bagged Tea: Which is better?
Tea is an ancient beverage with proven health benefits. No matter which kind of tea you prefer- black, green, oolong, herbal, etc.- you're sure to be getting antioxidants and other nutrients that are good for your body. As the tea...
Benefits of Sage: More Than a Kitchen Herb
Sage is a common culinary herb that might remind you of Thanksgiving, turkey, and stuffing. It's not as popular a seasoning as it used to be and, unfortunately, the many medicinal benefits of sage have largely been forgotten. Sage was...
Can Thyroid Hormone Levels Affect Breastfeeding?
Can Thyroid Hormone Levels affect Breastfeeding? No one wants to deal with thyroid problems, especially if you are a woman. Unfortunately, you cannot always choose the hand you are dealt, but you can get certain conditions under control. Now that you...
Benefits of Blue Vervain: A Versatile Native Herb
Vervain is not a well-known herb, but it has a huge place in the traditional medicinal practices of many cultures. Blue vervain is native to North America and was used by the Aztecs and Native Americans for its many health...
Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding: What You Should Know
Can you use both formula and breastfeed? For many new parents, using a combination of formula and breastfeeding might be best option for their babies and them. If you were advised to utilize both options, you should understand a few...
Benefits of Ginger Tea: Nausea, Immune Health, & More
Ginger root is a spice with a kick that's been used as food and medicine for thousands of years. It makes a powerful and warming herbal tea that's packed with health benefits. Perhaps the most well-known benefit of ginger is...
11 Benefits and Uses of Activated Charcoal
What is Activated Charcoal? Activated charcoal is a black odorless powder that has multiple uses for your body and skin. It really shines as a powerful detoxifier and can also help with common digestive complaints. Though it may not sound...
7 Surprising Natural Remedies for Pink Eye
Natural Remedies for Pink Eye: Soothe and Heal NaturallyPink eye, also known as conjunctivitis. Whether it's viral, bacterial, or allergic, dealing with pink eye can be a real challenge. But fear not! In this post, I'll share some natural remedies...
Signs of Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy + Natural Prevention
Iron deficiency anemia is a common problem during pregnancy. It can make you feel weak and tired and may put your baby at risk, so it's critical to deal with it right away. Once iron deficiency is present, there is...
How to Increase Milk Supply Naturally
How to Increase Low Milk Supply? Breastfeeding is considered one of the many gifts of motherhood. It’s a chance to increase bonding with your newborn. But what happens when that milk you are counting on runs dry? Turns out, some...
6 Health Benefits of Hyssop for Coughs, Colds, & More
Hyssop is an ancient herb that has seen use for thousands of years. It's mentioned in the Old Testament as an herb used for cleansing and was "prescribed" by the ancient Greek physician Dioscorides for respiratory ailments. The sweet, minty...
Best Herbs + Natural Treatment For Adrenal Fatigue
What Is Adrenal Fatigue? Adrenal fatigue is coming to the forefront as a common health problem in our high-stress, fast-paced culture. Right now, adrenal fatigue is technically not a medical diagnosis, but it is a very real health issue that...
Herbal Remedies for Constipation & Digestion
What are Natural Remedies for Constipation? Constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints. It can be defined in several different ways, including having fewer than three bowel movements a week, passing hard or painful stools, and feeling like your...
How to Relactate for Breastfeeding
How to Relactate for Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is much more than a simple feeding session, and while you may have originally intended to breastfeed from the beginning, you may have run into issues that kept you from enjoying this special relationship...
Top 12 Antiviral Herbs that Naturally Support Your Body
What Herbs Best Support Your Body from Viruses? Viruses are a type of microbe known to cause human sickness and infection. They act differently than bacteria do and can be a bit trickier to deal with. You're probably familiar with certain viral...
9 Herbs for Diabetes & Insulin Support
Diabetes is a common disease that more and more people are dealing with. In fact, some researchers estimate that the number of people with type 2 diabetes will double in less than 20 years. (1) There are many factors involved...
7 Benefits of Cumin Seed: An Ancient Spice
What is Cumin Seed? Cumin is one of the most popular spices in the world (alongside cinnamon) and is a major flavoring in Indian curries, taco seasoning, and chili. It has a warmth and earthiness about it that makes it a...
12 Herbs & Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone
Can you boost testosterone naturally? Low testosterone is a problem more likely to affect men as they get older. It can also affect women, leading to fatigue and decreased libido. While there are conventional treatments available, particularly testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), there...
Why Buy Handcrafted? 7 Benefits of Small Batch Products
What are the benefits of handcrafted products? In a world of mass production and standardization, handmade products make up a unique niche. Once a way of life, crafting by hand is now a more out-of-the-box approach to business but one...
Natural Skincare Tips to Avoid Dry Winter Skin
Harsh winter weather and less moisture in the air is a recipe for dry skin. Dry skin can be itchy, red, or flaky- not exactly the healthy-looking skin we all want. But that doesn't mean you need to go buy...